
All Roads Lead to Rome

Rome experienced an extraordinary artistic flowering at the end of the seventeenth century and beginning of the eighteenth century. Timeless musical works were written there, the greatest musical personalities of the time met there and two new musical genres were created there – the concerto grosso and the oratorio. The classic of the former was Arcangelo Corelli, while his colleagues Alessandro Stradella and Alessandro Scarlatti made a major contribution to the development of the oratorio. In his monumental and synthesising work, Georg Frideric Handel then thoroughly explored both mentioned genres and expertly mastered the Italian style he had become familiar with during his stay in Rome. Crucial drivers of this cultural upsurge were the enlightened and music-loving patrons in whose service the music masters worked. The most important supporters were Queen Christina I of Sweden, Prince Francesco Maria Ruspoli and Cardinal Pietro Ottoboni, who became also the patron of the famous Antonio Vivaldi.
The programme of the 24th edition of the Baroque Soirées will feature works by composers associated with Rome and will present their influence on the most prominent figures of the European musical scene of the time, such as Jean-Philippe Rameau and François Couperin.